Jabberwockies Available Now

Order from my site to receive an autographed copy of Jabberwockies on CD. That's $20 and a little shipping. 

You can also stream Jabberwockies on all the usual platforms. Have a listen, and let me know what you think!

What people are saying about Wes Collins and Jabberwockies

“You could hear a Wes Collins album all the way through without listening to a single lyric and be moved—his musicianship and musicality create a landscape in which you are thankful to lose yourself. But we listen to lyrics, and Wes can spin a story. His use of language, and his voice, bring you layers deeper than you planned to go, but you don’t want to leave.”

- Crystal & Pete Damore, Ordinary Elephant


"Wes Collins has a wonderful gift for telling stories from truly unique points of view. Every narrator in Jabberwockies reveals thoughts I've had but would certainly be terrified to express. Wes is a courageous songwriter. Wes also has that magical musical sensibility that makes me hit "repeat" on his songs. He makes my favorite records and he's one of my ultimate favorite musical artists. I want it to be widely known that I am a super fan of Wes Collins."

- Jaimee Harris


“Wes Collins’ songs have a way of circling around my mood and elevating it. His music makes me feel better, no matter how my day is going. I congratulate him on his new record Jabberwockies, a stellar collection of new songs, beautiful vocals, and glorious harmonies by Jaimee Harris and Crystal Hariu-Damore.  I can’t stop listening to it, I love it!"

- Mary Gauthier


"From the first note (of Jabberwockies), I knew I was listening to something special. The sound is warm and inviting, pop music for a quiet day."

- Jonathan Byrd




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